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Some grandmas knit real grandmas drive a tractor shirt

I think after Planet Coaster took over where RCT went to crap, Some grandmas knit real grandmas drive a tractor shirt. and Cities: Skylines taking over SimCity when it went to crap, there should be a strong, fresh competitor for the Sims as well. Yessss I want consequences!! That’s why I stopped playing at TS3, I don’t feel like anything I do has a permanent impact. Got caught cheating on your husband once? High five until you’re back to friendship level! Caught cheating on the guy you were cheating your husband on? More high fives!

Knitted or Knit – What’s the Difference?

I feel like forgiveness and vengeance could be tied into the traits each sim has. That would be more fun… It’s true, and it would fill in the missing life stages nicely. (I’m actually kinda liking the fact they’ve broken up the vacation pack as long as they keep doing deeper cuts and adding new features with each pack. Now if only we could get us some witches and werewolves and fairies up in this.). Yeah, something definitely needs to be done with them. Right now they’re basically just sims that you either move out on their own to get them out of your hair, or you keep them around to watch your kids and wait for them to die. I feel like if at every age up stage we received a new trait it would be pretty cool. Except for YA to A as let’s be honest nothing really changes in that time girl. But as of now, I don’t even let my main sim age past Adult because Elder makes me feel bad. I think more RPG elements added to the sims could improve this feeling and make aging fun/worthwhile.

Some grandmas knit real grandmas drive a tractor shirt,  ladies, v-neck t-shirt, tank top, flowy tank. 
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